Email campaigns are considered spam by email providers, and it requires a few off-target and mistimed emails to get the attention of potential customers. It requires senders to develop a solution that can attract an audience without overwhelming them. Email autoresponder helps business owners to interact with customers and build a relationship with them. Marketers are aware of email autoresponders and use them for their leverage without burning through the cash flow. It has become one of the most effective, easiest, and cheapest ways to gain leads and convert them into potential subscribers. Let us walk you through everything about email autoresponder.

What is an Autoresponder?

Email autoresponder allows businesses to send emails to the selected user(s) automatically on completion of a set of actions. It can include making a purchase, filling out forms, changing settings, or even an e-newsletter sent to subscribers. For instance, users make a purchase online and get an instant email about their order, sign up for a newsletter and instantly get a welcome email, etc. Marketers use email automation tools, use templates to compose emails, set parameters, and let it analyze the result for you. The significant features of the autoresponder tool include:

Design templates that help create new emails instantly to match the requirements of brands.Analytics monitor the emails sent to users to get maximum return on investment and track click rates and open rates.Use Drag-and-Drop email builder to create emails without using HTML layouts.

Email autoresponder tools can help in covering several sophisticated features that allow marketers to increase their audience and boost their productivity. However, it depends on the subscribers and actions that one needs to take.

How to Choose the Right Email Autoresponder?

It is essential to choose the right email autoresponder to ensure that you won’t lose the personal touch on the email. These emails include a warm welcome to the audience, recommendations, subscription reminders, etc. The significant factors that one needs to consider while choosing the email autoresponder are:

#1. Automation Capabilities

Automated campaigns are essential if one wants to widen their audience scope. The users can integrate it with customer relationship management (CRM) tools or customer databases, trigging highly-personalized criteria. It includes the automation capabilities like welcoming email, reminders, web trigger, abandoned cart, follow up, branch flows, A/B testing, etc.

#2 Email Segmentation

Companies select their database to send out one email campaign to put things in front of customers. However, it is essential to understand that every customer has different demands and requirements based on their cart contents, age, gender, average spend, a past purchase, geolocation, website behavior, and weather conditions. Hence, email segmentation helps in targeting better customers and increases conversion rates.

#3 Email Editor

Marketers can manually edit the mail if and when required. From appealing subject line to significant elements, CTA to mail body, one can include all the aspects to increase the look and feel. The email editors help deliver predictable results and generate on-brand emails that can help in the customer’s journey. Choose a tool that has a user-friendly email editor.

#4 Campaign Management

The best way to connect with customers is to be more diverse in buying journeys and increase visibility. It is essential to manage the growing list and drill down to the significant aspects such as total sales per email sent, ROI per email, sales per mail, etc., which offers a deep insight into campaigns. Ensure that the tool you select has a detailed dashboard that allows you to analyze campaign results.

#5 Email Personalization

If you want to attract an audience, it is best to do this with personalized and automated emails. For instance, customers’ names in the subject line, past purchases, location-based recommendations, etc., convert users into revenue. Let’s discuss some of the best email autoresponder tools that one can use to send a series of timed emails to the mailing list.


Omnisend‘s email & SMS marketing platform helps eCommerce brands more easily build brand loyalty and generate sales. It does so with its focus on building email & SMS lists and then making it easier to keep those customers around for longer, plus an award-winning 24/7 customer support that’s always on hand to help, with an average response time of under 3 minutes. Its popups and signup forms come with an extensive ready-made library for various holidays and occasions so that you can easily capture more visitors to your store and turn them into shoppers. Omnisend’s new Email Builder also makes it simple to create beautiful emails, with your branding (logos, fonts, and colors) automatically imported from your store. Brands can also use powerful automation and segmentation features to send targeted, personalized messages at the right time. The automation workflows are easy to build, and brands can add not only email but also SMS and push to the workflows. There’s a library of proven, high-converting ready-made workflows that can help brands start quickly. And when it comes to segmentation, Omnisend makes it easier with a library of preset segment rules, plus its new segment builder helper that auto suggests elements to add to your rules. Omnisend has a great free plan which comes with all of its features. You can use the free plan if you have up to 250 contacts, or if you’re a bigger brand, use the free plan to see how Omnisend fits your business by importing a small part of your contacts.


Convert your casual subscribers into paying customers with AWeber autoresponder email. This automation tool allows marketers to send out welcoming mails, promote products, send recommendations, and share information about your company. AWeber helps build a long-lasting relationship with customers through emails to deliver value and credibility and build community. Along with this, autoresponder tools make it easy to analyze the campaign’s performance, offering details about the engagement, clicks, open rate, etc. Marketers can connect with the customers by sending and scheduling timely emails and establishing meaningful relationships. The easy-to-use email builder requires no coding knowledge and designs emails that can meet the brand requirements. One can use pre-built automated campaigns to nurture prospects and send targeted emails to subscribers. The customizable and mobile-responsive templates can help engage, sell, promote, converse, and welcome the subscribers.

Constant Contact

Drive results for nonprofit and small businesses using Constant Contact autoresponder tools. The users can donate and drive sales automatically with easy-to-use tools that can save a lot of time. Constant Contact helps in improving results and increases engagement with email marketing automation. The aim of using the email autoresponder tool is to engage the audience automatically. It also helps nurture leads to target contacts-based emails and welcome emails to the brands. It is possible to expand customer reach using list-building forms and tools. Whether it is an enterprise or a startup, everyone can leverage from email marketing automation tool. Businesses can collect leads and connect with customers using strategic and efficient email marketing campaigns. The aim is to nurture leads and send targeted messages to the contacts. Constant Contact allows users to power up their sales and use their expertise to increase revenue. It unleashes the power of sales and automation to build a strong relationship with customers and offer a complete experience.


Send up to 300 emails per day using Sendinblue and store unlimited contacts. The autoresponder software can drive results any time of the day once the campaign is live. Sendinblue works toward brand engagement and drives sales to maintain the customer journey while you are busy with other tasks. Depending on the features, it is a free email autoresponder with a few premium plans such as Lite, Premium, and Enterprise. The double opt-in features avoid any spam traps, eliminate misspelling in email addresses, and acquire proof of contest. Personalized welcome messages offer a stellar start to establishing a relationship with customers that keeps the brand name at the top of the customer’s mind, promotes links, and drives sales. Customers can receive emails about abandoned carts using the Sendinblue software. It tracks the page and triggers the emails accordingly to entice shoppers, recover lost revenue, and upsell similar products. On top of that, it is possible to send birthday emails compiled with a discount that can drive appreciation for the brand and generate email engagement. The email design toolbox includes drop-and-drop, plain-text, and HTML features to help create and personalize the emails. These emails are responsive and can fit any screen size, from mobile phone to PC screen, with no extra coding.


HubSpot marketing automation software is highly famous in the market and goes beyond sending emails. It minimizes repetitive tasks and scales up growth with its streamlined workflows. Using the HubSpot automation tool aims to set up a robust workflow that can send thousands of emails ad to analyze them. With email drip campaigns, the lead nurturing is put on autopilot to move towards prospects and generate leads. The users don’t have to write a code to build beautiful emails and choose from conditions, triggers, and actions to start sending emails. It is an integrated marketing platform that can replenish or grow the database over time. The emails are also easy to visualize, personalize, and customize campaigns, whether a simple follow-up or multi-stage journey. It can determine the workflow easily using advanced segmentation logic to send personalized emails to each contact. The tool offers automation of several tasks such as rotating leads to sales, score leads, webhooks, copy value, and update properties. It triggers internal notifications when customers take action to add a new task to Salesforce and CRM, reminding them to follow up.


GetResponse is a simple and powerful tool that comes with design tools and templates that can meet the goal of campaigns. It also includes the actionable analytics to tweak it for improvements and increase performance. GetResponse email autoresponder establishes, maintains, and nurtures customers’ relationships with the brands. It is best to use a drag-and-drop email creator that can customize social media icons, buttons, or videos. It gives structure to content or sections block and is responsive to mobile previews. The email automation tool is packed with 100+ professionally-designed templates. These include follow-up, welcome email, sell, promote, and celebration allowing marketers to convert subscribers. The tool comes with free images and GIFs to enhance email designs and is easy to access with no extra purchases. The calendar view also makes it easy to keep track of the subscribers for any specific days that require an email. It saves time to increase conversations and maintain relationships. The tool can also share new blog posts automatically right after the publication or in the form of monthly, daily, or weekly digests.


Mailerlite builds an automated email workflow to reach the right people at the right time. It sends triggered emails to the subscribers to perform other actions while your campaign runs in the background. Mailerlite sends automated welcome emails and targeted emails about events or webinars automatically. The automated tool allows users to add custom fields in the email survey, signup form, and dashboard. The aim is to trigger the action when required by the database based on customers’ interests. It triggers automated emails for free trials or subscription newsletters for customers. The email autoresponder tools are easy to integrate with eCommerce platforms to improve customer retention. It offers emails about purchased items, abandoned carts, purchases from categories, recommendations, confirmation mail, and tracking details. Users can integrate this automated tool with Shopify, Zapier, WordPress, Stripe, WooCommerce, etc. The real-time campaign reports help improve and track metrics, audience engagement, and overall growth. The tool offers profound insight into conversation rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribed rates.


Build a path to boost your business using ConvertKit marketing automation tools. This automation tool is easy-to-use design emails, including targeted content to send out timely emails to the customers. ConvertKit aims to grow an online business with:

Audience segmentation is based on the user journey,Creating automated and powerful funnels,Customizing subscriber’s path of action,Targeting content to the right audience,Setting up rules and strategies that can work on the email campaign, andKnowing the next step for subscribers.

The automated tool allows users to send targetted drip content while tracking customers’ journeys. Marketers can build a custom path for funnels using actions, events, and conditions covering customizable and easy-to-understand features. The insights are easy to comprehend, allowing marketers to make informed decisions on their subsequent campaigns. Seamless content editing is another prominent feature that ensures marketers are on the right path while building intuitive emails. It works on simple automation tools to create emails and uses industry-leading integration partners, RSS feeds, etc., to do the business.


Moosend is a great place to create, send, and optimize your campaign to build successful brands. It works for all the companies, from enterprises to startups offering drop-dead beautiful designs. Moosend email autoresponder tool has significant features like list segmentation, A/B testing, drag-and-drop editor, and data analytics. The aim is to ensure that businesses can sell products in the market with advanced features. It comes with email automation templates, advanced reporting, and website or user tracking, making it easier to make an informed decision. The users can create beautiful landing pages while resizing, cropping, moving, changing, and editing the layout. The pre-made templates make it easier to build the landing page without diving into coding. It fuels business growth with the proper templates to collect valuable data and share forms across social challenges. The tool is easy to integrate with CRM, website, or any other eCommerce platform, making it easy to track data.


Build a unique path for your business using the iContact email marketing tool while saving efforts and time. The aim is to automate an email to create personalized subscribers’ journeys. Users can pick triggers to create journeys that can work for them using iContact. It is packed with features like:

Engagement triggersDate-in-time personalized messagesSubscriber events

Email autoresponder also helps in nurturing emails and going beyond sending emails. Users can track the performance of a campaign using this tool, such as online interactions or engagement (clicks, visits, and conversions).


Whether you want to move subscribers from one communication channel to another or send emails on subscription date, latest offers, or even send recommendation emails (based on their search and order history), it is possible with email autoresponders. The tools can help maximize the value of the mailing list and generate revenue quickly. However, if you want to send a manual e-newsletter, there are occasions when the users will appreciate it, such as season promotions, festive times, generate updates, and sales announcements. Just ensure that you are not overdoing it, keeping it relevant, and seeing valuable content to make an impact.

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